PH refers to the acid and alkaline balance in the body. When the pH, or potential of hydrogen, of the body is low, it means it is acidic, and when the pH is high, it refers to alkalinity. A low pH falls between 0 and 7 whilst a high pH is from 7 to 14. A healthy balance is at about 7 or 7.5.
High Acidity
A high acidic imbalance is the cause of many health issues in the body, such as muscle and joint aches and pains, low energy and fatigue, poor digestion and stomach pains, thinning bones, an ineffective immune system, weak circulation, high blood pressure and heart problems. Acid overload can contribute to weight gain, certain cancers, nerve dysfunction, diabetes and headaches. It may also accelerate ageing, interfere with organ function and prevent proper absorption of nutrients.
Acid forming foods include processed and fried foods, sugar, white flour and wheat products, and animal meats, as well as:
- Alcohol (including wine)
- Artificial sweeteners
- Beef
- Bread
- Butter
- Cheese
- Chocolate
- Coffee
- Eggs
- Fish
- Flour
- Ham
- Honey
- Meat
- Oats
- Pork
- Salmon
- Sodas
- Sugar
- Wheat and wholegrains in excess
For the body to be healthy and operate efficiently, the levels of acid and alkaline must be balanced. Many diseases and disorders could be avoided if the pH in the body is kept neutral. Cancer, for example, can only occur in an acidic environment.
The benefits of including a balanced pH diet are numerous and include reduced pain, higher energy levels, stronger immune system, and a reduction in inflammation and in the ageing process.
Alkaline Foods
The pH balance can be restored by adding alkaline foods to your diet. Alkaline forming foods include most fruits, vegetables and beans, such as:
- Alfalfa
- apples
- Bananas
- Broccoli
- Carrots
- Celery
- Coconut
- Cranberries
- Dates
- Garlic
- Grapes
- Kelp
- Lemons
- Melons
- Onions
- Oranges
- Pineapple
- Raisins
It is important to include alkalising foods in the diet, however, the preparation of these foods is just as important. Most vegetables should be eaten as raw as possible, such as in salads, however, steaming is also acceptable. Oils such as olive oil or avocado oil, and apple cider vinegar, used as a dressing neutralises acidity. Fruit should ideally be eaten raw rather than tinned.
Lastly, it is important to drink water daily. Water assists the body in getting rid of toxins and waste, and is needed to maintain a balanced pH. Adding sodium bicarbonate (common baking soda) can convert an acid system.