Well, what is high blood pressure, and how do you know you have it?
As the heart pumps blood through the arteries, the blood presses against the walls of the blood vessels. High blood pressure, or hypertension, occurs when this pressure is abnormally high. It occurs when your blood pressure reading exceeds 120/80, e.g. 140/95 and above.
High blood pressure is also known as the ‘silent killer’ as there are no symptoms.
High blood pressure causes damage particularly to aorta muscle, which opens the door to the formation of clots or plaques.
The consequences of high blood pressure can be quite serious, and include kidney failure, heart disease, and stroke. Predisposing factors include obesity, alcohol, lack of exercise, smoking, etc.
So how can you prevent high blood pressure and what can be done about it once you have it?
Well there are plenty of ways to prevent high blood pressure.
Some nutrients to try include: calcium, magnesium, potassium, coenzyme Q10, essential fatty acids, garlic, selenium and vitamin E.
Useful herbs that can be useful include: cayenne, camomile, fennel, hawthorn, parsley, rosemary, hops, valerian root, etc.
Suggested lifestyle and dietary recommendations
- follow a salt-free diet
- eat fibre and grains such as brown rice, buckwheat, millet, oats
- eat plenty of fruits and vegetables
- include fresh ‘live’ juices
- take flaxseed oil daily
- avoid animal fats, cheese, avocados, herring, sherry, wine, yoghurt, alcohol, caffeine and tobacco, and
- keep weight down (try a three day fast) and get regular exercise and sufficient sleep.
Massage can be useful in preventing and treating hypertension. Gentle, relaxing, soothing massage helps to reduce blood pressure by lowering stress and increasing circulation.